//Ricoh GR3 Versus Fuji X100V High ISO Performance\\
We have the two top point and shoot cameras at HQ, the Ricoh GR3 and Fujifilm X100V, and wanted to do an informal high ISO test between these two. Here is what we found…
Fuji X100V at ISO 3200 with a crop to show center detail.
X100V 3200 f2.8 crop
The Ricoh GR3 at 3200 with a crop to show center detail.
GR3 3200 f2.8 crop
Fuji X100V at ISO 8000 with a crop to show center detail.
X100V 8000 f2.8 crop
The Ricoh GR3 at 8000 with a crop to show center detail.
GR3 8000 f2.8 crop
For all out high ISO performance I’d lean to the Fuji having the best performance overall but its also doing a bit of trickery as the images are darker per given shutter speed and ISO value. That tells me that the ISO values are probably a bit mis-representative. For example, on the GR3 you may be fine with the exposure of 1/50 at ISO 3200 but that same 1/50 shutter would require a bump up to ISO 4000 to get the same comparative exposure brightness. Also, the colors on the GR3 seem more saturated than the Fuji at ISO 8000. Not to mention the Ricoh has sensor stabilization so a still life image like our example could easily be shot at much slower shutter speeds and lower ISO’s used. In use however, both are amazing cameras with redeeming qualities that make both worthy of a place in your collection.