Sony NEX 5T vs. Fuji X70 vs. Sony RX100 MKii by juan martinez

Simple camera compare between the Sony NEX 5T (with 16-50 "pancake" kit lens), the Sony RX100 Mkii point and shoot and the Fujifilm X70. All three cameras were set to f4.5 with same exposure and default color settings. You can clearly see the differences in color, and sharpness when pixel-peeping the files. Link to the jpegs. here. To the staff's eyes the Sony RX100 Mkii actually wins this test with better dynamic range, sharpness and more megapixels to boot.

Sony NEX 5T

Sony RX100 MKii

Fujfilm X70

Fujifilm XPro 2 Hyper Unboxing by juan martinez

Hyper-unboxing of the Fujifilm Xpro2! Camera is outfitted with Lexar Professional SD HC Class 3 32gb cards and a Lenstab on the xf23mm lens. Music by Artist: Bonobo Track: Hatoa

Hyper-unboxing of the Fujifilm Xpro2! Camera is outfitted with Lexar Professional SD HC Class 3 32gb cards and a Lenstab on the xf23mm lens. Carbon fiber bartender bottle opener by Centri Designs. Music by Artist: Bonobo Track: Hatoa

Fujifilm Xf16-55 f2.8 WR HyperUnboxing by juan martinez

The often overlooked Fujifilm XF16-55 F2.8 LM WR was in our hands for a review. The size and weight may suprise some Fuji shooters, because it is large and fairly heavy. However, when compared to some full-frame counterparts its smaller and as good if not better built. Below is a quick unboxing we like to call a "hyper-unboxing". Filmed at Holsem Coffee in North Park San Diego. 

Hyper-Unboxing video of a newly acquired Fujinon (Fuji or Fujifilm) XF16-55mm f2.8 LM WR shot at Holsem Coffee Co. in San Diego, California. This hyper-unboxing is a first look at this lens with a much more detail review coming soon on our blog. Shot on: Sony A7S with Sony 16-35mm f4Z lens (Sony SEL1635Z) Music: Bonobo.

50mm Lens Test just for fun... by juan martinez

A few days ago Juan Martinez assembled a handful of 50mm lenses and took test shots in order to compare sharpness, color and bokeh. Results can be seen here... enjoy!

All shot at same exposure, same white balance, at f2 aperture (wide-open for some and not for others) and manually focusing on the center target.

Sony Zeiss 55mm f1.8

Loxia 50mm f2

Leica Summicron 50mm f2

Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f1.1

Original 1950's Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f1.5

Meet-Up #19 at The Cork and Craft by juan martinez

Our last Beers And Cameras meet-up at The Cork and Craft was a ton of fun. Not only did we get a great turn-out, but a few of us got to go behind the scenes and really appreciate all the hard work that goes into every bottle of Abnormal Beer Co. The happy-hour food was excellent and we were able to try-out a pre-release of "Tummy Cuddles" an exquisite imperial stout. Lastly, we interviewed Matt (@brewstills) and found out about what he's drinking and what he's carrying. This latest video will be up soon!