BeersAnd Cameras™
Your products promoted all around the globe via our growing social network and hands-on via our Beers And Cameras meet-ups.
What are Beers And Cameras? Beers And Cameras meet-ups are bi-weekly to monthly gatherings attended by photographers, videographers and creatives looking to build a stronger local community where networking and collaboration is encouraged. Beers And Cameras meets at top local breweries and restaurants with a strong indie-beer list. They occur in the evenings and jump from one location to the next essentially fitting-in a photowalk in-between locations.
Check out our Agency Instagram account here.
Sailor Strap
Brand Specific Marketing Material
Providing photographs and videos of your products to help promote your products and services as the brand you aim to be. Marketing products to share across all of your social media platforms with options to share with our real-life Beers And Cameras meet-up communities.
Our Beers And Cameras Meet-ups are used to share and provide hands-on with your products
Providing Hands-On
We can provide more than just marketing material for your brand, we provide the avenue to get your products into the hands of your target demorgraphic during our Beers And Cameras meet-ups which span across the globe.
Take Kayo @bigheadtaco attending discussing with an attendee
Use Our Network
Our ambassadors help to promote your brand or products. From assisting with initial marketing materials, like photography and video, to specific marketing campaigns catered for your business. All with the aim to getting your products into the hands of your target demographic in a fully organic way via our Beers And Cameras meet-ups.